Package 'gorica'

Title: Evaluation of Inequality Constrained Hypotheses Using GORICA
Description: Implements the generalized order-restricted information criterion approximation (GORICA), an AIC-like information criterion that can be utilized to evaluate informative hypotheses specifying directional relationships between model parameters in terms of (in)equality constraints (see Altinisik, Van Lissa, Hoijtink, Oldehinkel, & Kuiper, 2021), <doi:10.31234/>. The GORICA is applicable not only to normal linear models, but also to generalized linear models (GLMs), generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs), structural equation models (SEMs), and contingency tables. For contingency tables, restrictions on cell probabilities can be non-linear.
Authors: Rebecca M. Kuiper [aut], Altinisik Yasin [aut], Vanbrabant Leonard [ctb], Caspar J. van Lissa [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Caspar J. van Lissa <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Built: 2025-01-12 03:05:03 UTC

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Academic awards data


Simulated dataset based on the UCLA Statistical Consulting Group's website.




A data frame with 200 rows and 4 variables.


num_awards integer Outcome variable; indicates the number of awards earned by students at a high school in a year
math integer Continuous predictor variable; represents students' scores on their math final exam
prog factor Categorical predictor variable with three levels, indicating the type of program in which the students were enrolled: "General", "Academic", or "Vocational".


Introduction to SAS. UCLA: Statistical Consulting Group. from (accessed August 22, 2021).

Evaluate informative hypotheses using the GORICA


GORICA is an acronym for "generalized order-restricted information criterion approximation". It can be utilized to evaluate informative hypotheses, which specify directional relationships between model parameters in terms of (in)equality constraints.


gorica(x, hypothesis, comparison = "unconstrained", iterations = 1e+05, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lavaan'
  comparison = "unconstrained",
  iterations = 1e+05,
  standardize = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'table'
gorica(x, hypothesis, comparison = "unconstrained", ...)



An R object containing the outcome of a statistical analysis. Currently, the following objects can be processed:

  • lm() objects (anova, ancova, multiple regression).

  • t_test() objects.

  • lavaan objects.

  • lmerMod objects.

  • A named vector containing the estimates resulting from a statistical analysis, when the argument Sigma is also specified. Note that, named means that each estimate has to be labeled such that it can be referred to in hypotheses.


A character string containing the informative hypotheses to evaluate (see Details).


A character string indicating what the hypothesis should be compared to. Defaults to comparison = "unconstrained"; options include c("unconstrained", "complement", "none").


Integer. Number of samples to draw from the parameter space when computing the gorica penalty.


Additional arguments passed to the internal function compare_hypotheses.


Logical. For lavaan objects, whether or not to extract the standardized model coefficients. Defaults to FALSE.


The GORICA is applicable to not only normal linear models, but also applicable to generalized linear models (GLMs) (McCullagh & Nelder, 1989), generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) (McCullogh & Searle, 2001), and structural equation models (SEMs) (Bollen, 1989). In addition, the GORICA can be utilized in the context of contingency tables for which (in)equality constrained hypotheses do not necessarily contain linear restrictions on cell probabilities, but instead often contain non-linear restrictions on cell probabilities.

hypotheses is a character string that specifies which informative hypotheses have to be evaluated. A simple example is hypotheses <- "a > b > c; a = b = c;" which specifies two hypotheses using three estimates with names "a", "b", and "c", respectively.

The hypotheses specified have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Parameters are referred to using the names specified in names().

  2. Linear combinations of parameters must be specified adhering to the following rules:

    1. Each parameter name is used at most once.

    2. Each parameter name may or may not be pre-multiplied with a number.

    3. A constant may be added or subtracted from each parameter name.

    4. A linear combination can also be a single number.

    Examples are: 3 * a + 5; a + 2 * b + 3 * c - 2; a - b; and 5.

  3. (Linear combinations of) parameters can be constrained using <, >, and =. For example, a > 0 or a > b = 0 or 2 * a < b + c > 5.

  4. The ampersand & can be used to combine different parts of a hypothesis. For example, a > b & b > c which is equivalent to a > b > c or a > 0 & b > 0 & c > 0.

  5. Sets of (linear combinations of) parameters subjected to the same constraints can be specified using (). For example, a > (b,c) which is equivalent to a > b & a > c.

  6. The specification of a hypothesis is completed by typing ; For example, hypotheses <- "a > b > c; a = b = c;", specifies two hypotheses.

  7. Hypotheses have to be compatible, non-redundant and possible. What these terms mean will be elaborated below.

The set of hypotheses has to be compatible. For the statistical background of this requirement see Gu, Mulder, Hoijtink (2018). Usually the sets of hypotheses specified by researchers are compatible, and if not, gorica will return an error message. The following steps can be used to determine if a set of hypotheses is compatible:

  1. Replace a range constraint, e.g., 1 < a1 < 3, by an equality constraint in which the parameter involved is equated to the midpoint of the range, that is, a1 = 2.

  2. Replace in each hypothesis the < and > by =. For example, a1 = a2 > a3 > a4 becomes a1 = a2 = a3 = a4.

  3. The hypotheses are compatible if there is at least one solution to the resulting set of equations. For the two hypotheses considered under 1. and 2., the solution is a1 = a2 = a3 = a4 = 2. An example of two non-compatible hypotheses is hypotheses <- "a = 0; a > 2;" because there is no solution to the equations a=0 and a=2.

Each hypothesis in a set of hypotheses has to be non-redundant. A hypothesis is redundant if it can also be specified with fewer constraints. For example, a = b & a > 0 & b > 0 is redundant because it can also be specified as a = b & a > 0. gorica will work correctly if hypotheses specified using only < and > are redundant. gorica will return an error message if hypotheses specified using at least one = are redundant.

Each hypothesis in a set of hypotheses has to be possible. An hypothesis is impossible if estimates in agreement with the hypothesis do not exist. For example: values for a in agreement with a = 0 & a > 2 do not exist. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the hypotheses specified are possible. If not, gorica will either return an error message or render an output table containing Inf's.


An object of class gorica, containing the following elements:

  • fit A data.frame containing the loglikelihood, penalty (for complexity), the GORICA value, and the GORICA weights. The GORICA weights are calculated by taking into account the misfits and complexities of the hypotheses under evaluation. These weights are used to quantify the support in the data for each hypothesis under evaluation. By looking at the pairwise ratios between the GORICA weights, one can determine the relative importance of one hypothesis over another hypothesis.

  • call The original function call.

  • model The original model object (x).

  • estimates The parameters extracted from the model.

  • Sigma The asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimates.

  • comparison Which alternative hypothesis was used.

  • hypotheses The hypotheses evaluated in fit.

  • relative_weights The relative weights of each hypothesis (rows) versus each other hypothesis in the set (cols). The diagonal is equal to one, as each hypothesis is equally likely as itself. A value of, e.g., 6, means that the hypothesis in the row is 6 times more likely than the hypothesis in the column.

Contingency tables

When specifying hypotheses about contingency tables, the asymptotic covariance matrix of the model estimates is derived by means of bootstrapping. This makes it possible for users to define derived parameters: For example, a ratio between cell probabilities. For this purpose, the bain syntax has been enhanced with the command :=. Thus, the syntax "a := x[1,1]/(x[1,1]+x[1,2])" defines a new parameter a by reference to specific cells of the table x. This new parameter can now be named in hypotheses.


Caspar van Lissa, Yasin Altinisik, Rebecca Kuiper


Altinisik, Y., Van Lissa, C. J., Hoijtink, H., Oldehinkel, A. J., & Kuiper, R. M. (2021). Evaluation of inequality constrained hypotheses using a generalization of the AIC. Psychological Methods, 26(5), 599–621. doi:10.31234/

Bollen, K. (1989). Structural equations with latent variables. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.

Kuiper, R. M., Hoijtink, H., & Silvapulle, M. J. (2011). An Akaike-type information criterion for model selection under inequality constraints. Biometrika, 98, 495-501. doi:10.31219/

Kuiper, R. M., Hoijtink, H., & Silvapulle, M. J. (2012). Generalization of the order-restricted information criterion for multivariate normal linear models. Journal of statistical planning and inference, 142(8), 2454-2463. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2012.03.007

Vanbrabant, L., Van Loey, N., and Kuiper, R.M. (2019). Evaluating a theory-based hypothesis against its complement using an AIC-type information criterion with an application to facial burn injury. Psychological Methods. doi:10.31234/

McCullagh, P. & Nelder, J. (1989). Generalized linear models (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall / CRC.

McCulloch, C. E., & Searle, S. R. (2001). Generalized linear and mixed models. New York, NY: Wiley.


# EXAMPLE 1. One-sample t test
ttest1 <- t_test(iris$Sepal.Length,mu=5)

aov1 <- aov(yield ~ block-1 + N * P + K, npk)

# EXAMPLE 3. glm
counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
treatment <- gl(3,3)
fit <- glm(counts ~ outcome-1 + treatment, family = poisson())
gorica(fit, "outcome1 > (outcome2, outcome3)")

res <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species-1, iris)
est <- get_estimates(res)
gor <- gorica(res, "Speciessetosa < (Speciesversicolor, Speciesvirginica)",
comparison = "complement")

Sesame Street data based on Hox (2010)


Synthetic data based on Hox (2010, p. 16). In the study, the outcome variable popular represents the popularity score of pupils, ranging from 0 (very unpopular) to 10 (very popular), for pupils nested in 100 classes of varying size. The popularity scores are predicted by pupil level predictors gender (G) and pupil extraversion scores (PE) that range from 1 (introversion) to 10 (extraversion), a class-level predictor teacher experience (TE), and the cross-level interactions between G and TE as well as PE and TE. Since standardization is recommended when the model contains interactions, we standardize PS, PE and TE by means of grand mean centering. That is, we first substract the overall means of the continuous variables PS, PE, and TE from each of their values, before dividing these values by their standard deviations.




A data frame with 2000 rows and 6 variables.


ID integer Pupil ID
class integer Class ID
PE numeric Pupil extraversion, standardized
G factor Pupil sex
PS numeric Popularity scores, standardized
TE integer Teacher experience, standardized


Hox, J. J. (2010). Multilevel analysis: Techniques and applications (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Data based on Nederhof, Ormel, and Oldehinkel (2014)


Synthetic data, (N = 310) based on Nederhof, Ormel, and Oldehinkel (2014). The 11 years old participants are divided into three groups: Sustainers, Shifters, and Comparison group, based on their performance on a sustained-attention task and on a shifting-set task. The outcome depressive episode (D: no depressive episode, versus experienced an episode) is predicted by the categorical variable early life stress (ES: Low versus High), the standardized continuous variable recent stress, RS, and the interaction between both predictors. The continuous variable recent stress, RS, is standardized to improve the interpretation of main effects when interactions exist.




A data frame with 310 rows and 4 variables.


Groups factor Group membership
RS numeric Recent stress
ES Factor Early life stress
D Factor Experienced a depressive episode


Nederhof, E., Ormel, J., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2014). Mismatch or cumulative stress: The pathway to depression is conditional on attention style. Psychological Science, 25, 684-692. doi:10.1177/0956797613513473.

Reading achievement data


Dataset based on Finch, Bolin, and Kelley (2014, p.32).




A data frame with 10320 rows and 5 variables.


school integer Clustering variable representing the school a given participant was enrolled in
gender factor Binary factor variable representing participants' assigned sex
age integer Participants' age in months
geread numeric Reading achievement
gevocab numeric Vocabulary


Finch, W. H., Bolin, J. E., & Kelley, K. (2014). Multilevel modeling using r. CRC Press 2014.

High School Admissions Data


This dataset, provided by the UCLA Statistical Consulting Group (2021), contains information on factors that influence whether or not a high school senior is admitted into a very competitive engineering school. The dataset includes the following variables:




A data frame with 30 rows and 3 variables.


female binary Binary variable indicating the gender of the student.
apcalc binary Binary variable indicating whether or not the student took Advanced Placement calculus in high school.
admit binary Binary outcome variable indicating admission status, where 1 represents admission and 0 represents non-admission.

The dataset is used for exact logistic regression analysis due to the binary outcome variable. It aims to identify the factors that contribute to admission decisions in a highly competitive engineering school. Since the dataset has a small sample size, specialized procedures are required for accurate estimation.


Introduction to SAS. UCLA: Statistical Consulting Group. from (accessed August 22, 2021).

Sesame Street data based on Stevens (1999)


Synthetic data based Stevens (1999, p. 596). This study evaluates the effects of the first year of the Sesame Street television series in a sample of 3-5 years old children in the USA (N = 240).




A data frame with 240 rows and 14 variables.


age numeric Age in months
prebody numeric Pretest on knowledge of body parts
prelet numeric Pretest on knowledge of letters
preform numeric Pretest on knowledge of forms
prenumb numeric Pretest on knowledge of numbers
prerelat numeric Pretest on knowledge of relational terms
preclas numeric Pretest on classification skills
postbody numeric Posttest on knowledge of body parts
postlet numeric Posttest on knowledge of letters
postform numeric Posttest on knowledge of forms
postnumb numeric Posttest on knowledge of numbers
postrelat numeric Posttest on knowledge of relational terms
postclas numeric Posttest on classification skills
peabody numeric Mental age score obtained from the Peabody Picture Vocabulary test


Stevens, J. (1999). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences. (3rd ed.). New Jersey, Lawrance Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Wechsler intelligence test data


Dataset based on McArdle and Prescott (1992, p.90). This study evaluates intelligence and cognitive ability in a sample of individuals over 18 years of age (N = 1680) using the IQ test Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) (Wechsler, 1981).




A data frame with 1680 rows and 10 variables.


age integer Participants' age (recoded)
edc factor Whether a participant graduated high school or not (1 = not graduated, 2 = graduated)
y1 integer information; general knowledge of participants
y2 integer comprehension; ability of abstract reasoning or judgment
y3 integer similarities; unifying a theme
y4 integer vocabulary; verbal definition
y5 integer picture completion; perceiving visual images with missing features
y6 integer block design; arranging blocks to match a design
y7 integer picture arrangement; ordering cards with true story lines
y8 integer object assembly; reassembling puzzles


McArdle, J. J., & Prescott, C. A. (1992). Age-based construct validation using structural equation modeling. Experimental Aging Research, 18, 87-115.