Package 'metaforest'

Title: Exploring Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis using Random Forests
Description: Conduct random forests-based meta-analysis, obtain partial dependence plots for metaforest and classic meta-analyses, and cross-validate and tune metaforest- and classic meta-analyses in conjunction with the caret package. A requirement of classic meta-analysis is that the studies being aggregated are conceptually similar, and ideally, close replications. However, in many fields, there is substantial heterogeneity between studies on the same topic. Classic meta-analysis lacks the power to assess more than a handful of univariate moderators. MetaForest, by contrast, has substantial power to explore heterogeneity in meta-analysis. It can identify important moderators from a larger set of potential candidates (Van Lissa, 2020). This is an appealing quality, because many meta-analyses have small sample sizes. Moreover, MetaForest yields a measure of variable importance which can be used to identify important moderators, and offers partial prediction plots to explore the shape of the marginal relationship between moderators and effect size.
Authors: Caspar J. van Lissa
Maintainer: Caspar J. van Lissa <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-01-22 15:33:22 UTC

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Test coefficients of a model


Conduct a t-test or z-test for coefficients of a model.


coef_test(x, par1, par2, distribution = "pt")



A model.


Numeric or character. Name or position of the first parameter.


Numeric or character. Name or position of the second parameter.


Character. Which distribution to use. Currently, can be one of c("pt", "pnorm"), for a t-test or z-test, respectively. Defaults to "pt".


Named vector.


dat <- escalc(measure="RR", ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg,
res <- rma(yi, vi, mods = ~alloc-1, data=dat, method="REML")
coef_test(res, 1, 2)

Happy to Help?


A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the well-being of the actor.




A data.frame with 56 rows and 18 columns.


study_id factor Unique identifier of the study
effect_id integer Unique identifier of the effect size
d numeric Standardized mean difference between the control group and intervention group
vi numeric Variance of the effect size
n1i numeric Number of participants in the intervention group
n1c numeric Number of participants in the control group
sex numeric Percentage of male participants
age numeric Mean age of participants
location character Geographical location of the study
donor character From what population did the donors (helpers) originate?
donorcode factor From what population did the donors (helpers) originate? Dichotomized to Anxious or Typical
interventioniv character Description of the intervention / independent variable
interventioncode factor Description of the intervention / independent variable, categorized to Acts of Kindness, Prosocial Spending, or Other
control character Description of the control condition
controlcode factor Description of the control condition, categorized to Neutral Activity, Nothing, or Self Help (performing a kind act for oneself)
recipients character Who were the recipients of the act of kindness?
outcomedv character What was the outcome, or dependent variable, of the study?
outcomecode factor What was the outcome, or dependent variable, of the study? Categorized into Happiness, Life Satisfaction, PN Affect (positive or negative), and Other




Curry, O. S., Rowland, L. A., Van Lissa, C. J., Zlotowitz, S., McAlaney, J., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). Happy to help? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the well-being of the actor. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 320-329. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2018.02.014

Extract proximity matrix for a MetaForest object.


Extract proximity matrix for a MetaForest object.


extract_proximity(fit, newdata)



object of class \'MetaForest\'.


new data with the same columns as the data used for fit


an n x n matrix where position i, j gives the proportion of times observation i and j are in the same terminal node across all trees.


Does training matter? A meta-analysis of caregiver training studies


A review of 17 experimental studies published between 1980 and 2005 on the effect of specialized training on the competency of caregivers in childcare.




A data.frame with 78 rows and 30 columns.


id_exp integer Unique identifier of the study
yi numeric Standardized mean difference between the control group and
vi numeric Variance of the effect size
Journal factor Publication type (scientific journal or other publications)
Setting factor Setting (center-based care or family daycare)
Integrated factor Whether the training was integrated into childcare practice
Supervision factor Whether supervision was part of the training
Scope factor Scope of the training (narrow or broad)
Location factor Location of the training (one-site or multi-site)
Curriculum factor Fixed curriculum
Control factor Alternative treatment for control group
Assignment factor Random assignment or matching (at the level of the individual caregiver or childcare center)
Train_Knowledge factor Explicit focus on knowledge
Train_Skills factor Explicit focus on skills
Train_Attitude factor Explicit focus on attitude
Video factor Use of video feedback
Design factor Single group, or two-group experimental design
Pre_Post factor Pretest/posttest design (yes/no)
Blind factor Was a blinding procedure used?
Attrition numeric Attrition from the experimental condition (percentage)
Pretest_es numeric Pre-test effect size
Self_report factor Self-report measures of caregiver competencies versus ‘objective’ test or observation by independent observer
DV_Knowledge factor Test focused on knowledge
DV_Skills factor Test focused skills
DV_Attitude factor Test focused on attitudes
DV_Aligned factor Test aligned with the content of the training (yes/no)
Two_group_design factor Single group, or two-group experimental design
Trainee_Age numeric Trainees’ age
Trainee_Experience numeric Trainees’ working experience
n_total integer Total n at post-test




Fukkink, R. G., & Lont, A. (2007). Does training matter? A meta-analysis and review of caregiver training studies. Early childhood research quarterly, 22(3), 294-311. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2007.04.005

Conduct a MetaForest analysis to explore heterogeneity in meta-analytic data.


MetaForest uses a weighted random forest to explore heterogeneity in meta-analytic data. MetaForest is a wrapper for ranger (Wright & Ziegler, 2015). As input, MetaForest takes the study effect sizes and their variances (these can be computed, for example, using the metafor package), as well as the moderators that are to be included in the model. By default, MetaForest uses random-effects weights, and estimates the between-studies variance using a restricted maximum-likelihood estimator. However, it may be beneficial to first conduct an unweighted MetaForest, and then use the estimated residual heterogeneity from this model as the estimate of tau2 for a random-effects weighted MetaForest.


  vi = "vi",
  study = NULL,
  whichweights = "random",
  num.trees = 500,
  mtry = NULL,
  method = "REML",
  tau2 = NULL,



Formula. Specify a formula for the MetaForest model, for example, yi ~ . to predict the outcome yi from all moderators in the data. Only additive formulas are allowed (i.e., x1+x2+x3). Interaction terms and non-linear terms are not required, as the random forests algorithm inherently captures these associations.


A data.frame containing the effect size, moderators, and the variance of the effect size.


Character. Specify the name of the column in the data that contains the variances of the effect sizes. This column will be removed from the data prior to analysis. Defaults to "vi".


Character. Optionally, specify the name of the column in the data that contains the study id. Use this when the data includes multiple effect sizes per study. This column can be a vector of integers, or a factor. This column will be removed from the data prior to analysis. See Details for more information about analyzing dependent data.


Character. Indicate what time of weights are required. A random-effects MetaForest is grown by specifying whichweights = "random". A fixed-effects MetaForest is grown by specifying whichweights = "fixed". An unweighted MetaForest is grown by specifying whichweights = "unif". Defaults to "random".


Atomic integer. Specify the number of trees in the forest. Defaults to 500.


Atomic integer. Number of candidate moderators available for each split. Defaults to the square root of the number moderators (rounded down).


Character. Specify the method by which to estimate the residual variance. Can be set to one of the following: "DL", "HE", "SJ", "ML", "REML", "EB", "HS", or "GENQ". Default is "REML". See the metafor package for more information about these estimators.


Numeric. Specify a predetermined value for the residual heterogeneity. Entering a value here supersedes the estimated tau2 value. Defaults to NULL.


Additional arguments are passed directly to ranger. It is recommended not to use additional arguments.


For dependent data, a clustered MetaForest analysis is more appropriate. This is because the predictive performance of a MetaForest analysis is evaluated on out-of-bootstrap cases, and when cases out of the bootstrap sample originate from the same study, the model will be overly confident in its ability to predict their value. When the MetaForest is clustered by the study variable, the dataset is first split into two cross-validation samples by study. All dependent effect sizes from each study are thus included in the same cross-validation sample. Then, two random forests are grown on these cross-validation samples, and for each random forest, the other sample is used to calculate prediction error and variable importance, see doi:10.1007/s11634-016-0276-4.


List of length 3. The "forest" element of this list is an object of class "ranger", containing the results of the random forests analysis. The "rma_before" element is an object of class "rma.uni", containing the results of a random-effects meta-analysis on the raw data, without moderators. The "rma_after" element is an object of class "rma.uni", containing the results of a random-effects meta-analysis on the residual heterogeneity, or the difference between the effect sizes predicted by MetaForest and the observed effect sizes.


#Example 1:
#Simulate data with a univariate linear model
data <- SimulateSMD()
#Conduct unweighted MetaForest analysis
mf.unif <- MetaForest(formula = yi ~ ., data = data$training,
                      whichweights = "unif", method = "DL")
#Print model
#Conduct random-effects weighted MetaForest analysis
mf.random <- MetaForest(formula = yi ~ ., data = data$training,
                        whichweights = "random", method = "DL",
                        tau2 = 0.0116)
#Print summary

#Example 2: Real data from metafor
#Load and clean data
data <- dat.bangertdrowns2004
data[, c(4:12)] <- apply(data[ , c(4:12)], 2, function(x){
  x[] <- median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
data$subject <- factor(data$subject)
data$yi <- as.numeric(data$yi)
#Conduct MetaForest analysis
mf.bd2004 <- MetaForest(formula = yi~ grade + length + minutes + wic+
                               meta, data, whichweights = "unif")
#Print MetaForest object
#Check convergence plot
#Check summary
summary(mf.bd2004, digits = 4)
#Examine variable importance plot

Returns a MetaForest ModelInfo list for use with caret


This function allows users to rely on the powerful caret package for cross-validating and tuning a MetaForest analysis. Methods for MetaForest are not included in the caret package, because the interface of caret is not entirely compatible with MetaForest's model call. Specifically, MetaForest is not compatible with the train methods for classes 'formula' or 'recipe', because the variance of the effect size must be a column of the training data x. The name of this column is specified using the argument 'vi'.




To train a clustered MetaForest, for nested data structures, simply provide the optional argument 'study' to the train function, to specify the study ID. This should again refer to a column of x.

When training a clustered MetaForest, make sure to use 'index = groupKFold(your_study_id_variable, k = 10))' in traincontrol, to sample by study ID when creating cross-validation partitions; otherwise the testing error will be positively biased.


ModelInfo list of length 17.


## Not run: 
# Prepare data
data <- dat.bangertdrowns2004
data[, c(4:12)] <- apply(data[ , c(4:12)], 2, function(x){
  x[] <- median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
data$subject <- factor(data$subject)
data$yi <- as.numeric(data$yi)
# Load caret
# Specify the resampling method as 10-fold CV
fit_control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10)
cv_mf_fit <- train(y = data$yi, x = data[,c(3:13, 16)],
                   method = ModelInfo_mf(), trControl = fit_control)

# Cross-validated clustered MetaForest
data <- get(data(dat.bourassa1996))
data <- escalc(measure = "OR", ai = lh.le, bi =, ci = rh.le, di=,
               data = data, add = 1/2, to = "all")
data$mage[$mage)] <- median(data$mage, na.rm = TRUE)
data[c(5:8)] <- lapply(data[c(5:8)], factor)
data$yi <- as.numeric(data$yi)
# Set up 10-fold grouped CV
fit_control <- trainControl(method = "cv", index = groupKFold(data$sample,
                            k = 10))
# Set up a custom tuning grid for the three tuning parameters of MetaForest
rf_grid <- expand.grid(whichweights = c("random", "fixed", "unif"),
                       mtry = c(2, 4, 6),
                       min.node.size = c(2, 4, 6))
# Train the model <- train(y = data$yi, x = data[, c("selection", "investigator",
                                                 "hand_assess", "eye_assess",
                                                 "mage", "sex", "vi",
                       study = "sample", method = ModelInfo_mf(),
                       trControl = fit_control,
                       tuneGrid = rf_grid)

## End(Not run)

Returns an rma ModelInfo list for use with caret


This function allows users to rely on the powerful caret package for cross-validating and tuning a rma analysis. Methods for rma are not included in the caret package, because the interface of caret is not entirely compatible with rma's model call. Specifically, rma is not compatible with the train methods for classes 'formula' or 'recipe'. The variance of the effect sizes can be passed to the 'weights' parameter of train.




When using clustered data (effect sizes within studies), make sure to use 'index = groupKFold(your_study_id_variable, k = 10))' in traincontrol, to sample by study ID when creating cross-validation partitions; otherwise the testing error will be positively biased.


ModelInfo list of length 13.


## Not run: 
# Prepare data
dat <- escalc(measure="RR", ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg,
dat$yi <- as.numeric(dat$yi)
dat$alloc <- factor(dat$alloc)
# Run rma
rma.model <- rma(y = dat$yi, mods = dat[, c("ablat", "year")], vi = dat$vi)
# R^2 is estimated to be .64
# Now, use cross-validation to see how well this model generalizes
# Leave-one-out cross-validation is more appropriate than 10-fold cv because
# the sample size is very small
fit_control <- trainControl(method = "LOOCV")
# Train the model without tuning, because rma has no tuning parameters <- train(y = dat$yi, x = dat[, c("ablat", "year")],
                       weights = dat$vi,
                       method = ModelInfo_rma(),
                       trControl = fit_control)
# Cross-validated R^2 is .08, suggesting substantial overfitting of the
# original rma model$results$Rsquared

## End(Not run)

PartialDependence: Partial dependence plots


Partial dependence plots


  vars = NULL,
  pi = NULL,
  rawdata = FALSE,
  bw = FALSE,
  resolution = NULL,
  moderator = NULL,
  mod_levels = NULL,
  output = "plot",



Model object.


Character vector containing the moderator names for which to plot partial dependence plots. If empty, all moderators are plotted.


Numeric (0-1). What percentile interval should be plotted for the partial dependence predictions? Defaults to NULL. To obtain a 95% interval, set to .95.


Logical, indicating whether to plot weighted raw data. Defaults to FALSE. Uses the same weights as the model object passed to the x argument.


Logical, indicating whether the plot should be black and white, or color.


Integer vector of length two, giving the resolution of the partial predictions. The first element indicates the resolution of the partial predictions; for Monte-Carlo integration, the second element gives the number of rows of the data to be sampled without replacement when averaging over values of the other predictors.


Atomic character vector, referencing the name of one variable in the model. Results in partial prediction plots, conditional on the moderator. If moderator references a factor variable, separate lines/boxplots are plotted for each factor level. If moderator references a numeric variable, heatmaps are plotted - unless the moderator is categorized using the mod_levels argument.


Vector. If moderator is continuous, specify thresholds for the cut function. The continuous moderator is categorized, and predictions are based on the median moderator value within each category. You can call quantile to cut the moderator at specific quantiles. If moderator is a factor variable, you can use mod_levels to specify a character vector with the factor levels to retain in the plot (i.e., dropping the other factor levels).


Character. What type of output should be returned? Defaults to "plot", which returns and plots a gtable object. To obtain a list of ggplot objects instead, provide the argument "list".


Additional arguments to be passed to and from functions.


Plots partial dependence plots (predicted effect size as a function of the value of each predictor variable) for a MetaForest- or rma model object. For rma models, it is advisable to mean-center numeric predictors, and to not include plot_int effects, except when the rma model is bivariate, and the plot_int argument is set to TRUE.


A gtable object.


## Not run: 
#' # Partial dependence plot for MetaForest() model:
data <- SimulateSMD(k_train = 200, model = es * x[, 1] + es * x[, 2] + es *
                                           x[, 1] * x[, 2])$training
data$X2 <- cut(data$X2, breaks = 2, labels = c("Low", "High"))
mf.random <- MetaForest(formula = yi ~ ., data = data,
                        whichweights = "random", method = "DL",
                        tau2 = 0.2450)
# Examine univariate partial dependence plot for all variables in the model:
PartialDependence(mf.random, pi = .8)
# Examine bivariate partial dependence plot the plot_int between X1 and X2:
pd.plot <- PartialDependence(mf.random, vars = c("X1", "X2"), plot_int = TRUE)
# Save to pdf file
# Partial dependence plot for metafor rma() model:
dat <- escalc(measure="RR", ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg,
dat$yi <- as.numeric(dat$yi)
dat$alloc <- factor(dat$alloc)
dat$ablat_d <- cut(dat$ablat, breaks = 2, labels = c("low", "high"))
# Demonstrate partial dependence plot for a bivariate plot_int <- rma(yi, vi, mods=cbind(ablat, tpos),
                     data=dat, method="REML")
PartialDependence(, rawdata = TRUE, pi = .95,
                  plot_int = TRUE)

# Compare partial dependence for metaforest and rma
dat2 <- dat
dat2[3:7] <- lapply(dat2[3:7],
                    function(x){as.numeric(scale(x, scale = FALSE))})
mf.model.all <- MetaForest(yi ~ ., dat2[, c(3:11)])
rma.model.all <- rma(dat$yi, dat2$vi,
                  mods = model.matrix(yi~., dat2[, c(3:10)])[, -1],
PartialDependence(mf.model.all, rawdata = TRUE, pi = .95)
PartialDependence(rma.model.all, rawdata = TRUE, pi = .95)

## End(Not run)

Plots cumulative MSE for a MetaForest object.


Plots cumulative MSE for a MetaForest object.


## S3 method for class 'MetaForest'
plot(x, y, ...)



MetaForest object.


not used for plot.MetaForest


Arguments to be passed to methods, not used for plot.MetaForest


A ggplot object, visualizing the number of trees on the x-axis, and the cumulative mean of the MSE of that number of trees on the y-axis. As a visual aid to assess convergence, a dashed gray line is plotted at the median cumulative MSE value.


MetaForest prediction


MetaForest prediction


## S3 method for class 'MetaForest'
predict(object, data = NULL, type = "response", ...)



MetaForest object.


New test data of class data.frame.


Type of prediction. One of 'response', 'se', 'terminalNodes' with default 'response'. See below for details.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Object of class MetaForest.prediction with elements

predictions Predicted classes/values (only for classification and regression)
num.trees Number of trees.
num.independent.variables Number of independent variables.
treetype Type of forest/tree. Classification, regression or survival.
num.samples Number of samples.

See Also



data <- SimulateSMD(k_train = 100, model = es * x[,1] * x[,2])
#Conduct fixed-effects MetaForest analysis
mf.fixed <- MetaForest(formula = yi ~ ., data = data$training,
                      whichweights = "fixed", method = "DL")
predicted <- predict(mf.fixed, data = data$testing)$predictions
r2_cv <- sum((predicted - mean(data$training$yi)) ^ 2)/
         sum((data$testing$yi - mean(data$training$yi)) ^ 2)

Preselect variables for MetaForest analysis


Takes a MetaForest object, and applies different algorithms for variable selection.


preselect(x, replications = 100L, algorithm = "replicate", ...)



Model to perform variable selection for. Accepts MetaForest objects.


Integer. Number of replications to run for variable preselection. Default: 100.


Character. Preselection method to apply. Currently, 'replicate', 'recursive', and 'bootstrap' are available.


Other arguments to be passed to and from functions.


Currently, available methods under algorithm are:


This simply replicates the analysis, which means the forest has access to the full data set, but the trees are grown on different bootstrap samples across replications (thereby varying monte carlo error).


This replicates the analysis on bootstrapped samples, which means each replication has access to a different sub-sample of the full data set. When selecting this algorithm, cases are either bootstrap-sampled by study, or a new study column is generated, and a clustered MetaForest is grown (because some of the rows in the data will be duplicated) , and this would lead to an under-estimation of the OOB error.


Starting with all moderators, the variable with the most negative variable importance is dropped from the model, and the analysis re-run. This is repeated until only variables with a positive variable importance are left, or no variables are left. The proportion of final models containing each variable reflects its importance.


An object of class 'mf_preselect'


## Not run: 
data <- get(data(dat.bourassa1996))
data <- escalc(measure = "OR", ai = lh.le, bi =, ci = rh.le, di=,
               data = data, add = 1/2, to = "all")
data$mage[$mage)] <- median(data$mage, na.rm = TRUE)
data[c(5:8)] <- lapply(data[c(5:8)], factor)
data$yi <- as.numeric(data$yi)
mf.model <- MetaForest(formula = yi~ selection + investigator + hand_assess + eye_assess +
                        mage +sex,
          data, study = "sample",
          whichweights = "unif", num.trees = 300)
          replications = 10,
          algorithm = "bootstrap")

## End(Not run)

Extract variable names from mf_preselect object


Returns a vector of variable names from an mf_preselect object, based on a cutoff criterion provided.


preselect_vars(x, cutoff = NULL, criterion = NULL)



Object of class mf_preselect.


Numeric. Must be a value between 0 and 1. By default, uses .95 for bootstrapped preselection, and .1 for recursive preselection.


Character. Which criterion to use. See Details for more information. By default, uses 'ci' (confidence interval) for bootstrapped preselection, and 'p' (proportion) for recursive preselection.


For criterion = 'p', the function evaluates the proportion of replications in which a variable achieved a positive (>0) variable importance. For criterion = 'ci', the function evaluates whether the lower bound of a confidence interval of a variable's importance across replications exceeds zero. The width of the confidence interval is determined by cutoff.

For recursive preselection, any variable not included in a final model is assigned zero importance.


Character vector.


## Not run: 
data <- get(data(dat.bourassa1996))
data <- escalc(measure = "OR", ai = lh.le, bi =, ci = rh.le, di=,
               data = data, add = 1/2, to = "all")
data$mage[$mage)] <- median(data$mage, na.rm = TRUE)
data[c(5:8)] <- lapply(data[c(5:8)], factor)
data$yi <- as.numeric(data$yi)
preselected <- preselect(formula = yi~ selection + investigator + hand_assess + eye_assess +
                        mage +sex,
          data, study = "sample",
          whichweights = "unif", num.trees = 300,
          replications = 10,
          algorithm = "bootstrap")

## End(Not run)

Prints summary.MetaForest object.


Prints summary.MetaForest object.


## S3 method for class 'summary.MetaForest'
print(x, digits, ...)



an object used to select a method.


minimal number of significant digits, see print.default.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Simulates a meta-analytic dataset


This function simulates a meta-analytic dataset based on the random-effects model. The simulated effect size is Hedges' G, an estimator of the Standardized Mean Difference. The functional form of the model can be specified, and moderators can be either normally distributed or Bernoulli-distributed. See Van Lissa, 2018, for a detailed explanation of the simulation procedure.


  k_train = 20,
  k_test = 100,
  mean_n = 40,
  es = 0.5,
  tau2 = 0.04,
  moderators = 5,
  distribution = "normal",
  model = es * x[, 1]



Atomic integer. The number of studies in the training dataset. Defaults to 20.


Atomic integer. The number of studies in the testing dataset. Defaults to 100.


Atomic integer. The mean sample size of each simulated study in the meta-analytic dataset. Defaults to 40. For each simulated study, the sample size n is randomly drawn from a normal distribution with mean mean_n, and sd mean_n/3.


Atomic numeric vector. The effect size, also known as beta, used in the model statement. Defaults to .5.


Atomic numeric vector. The residual heterogeneity. Defaults to 0.04.


Atomic integer. The number of moderators to simulate for each study. Make sure that the number of moderators to be simulated is at least as large as the number of moderators referred to in the model parameter. Internally, the matrix of moderators is referred to as "x". Defaults to 5.


Atomic character. The distribution of the moderators. Can be set to either "normal" or "bernoulli". Defaults to "normal".


Expression. An expression to specify the model from which to simulate the mean true effect size, mu. This formula may use the terms "es" (referring to the es parameter of the call to SimulateSMD), and "x[, ]" (referring to the matrix of moderators, x). Thus, to specify that the mean effect size, mu, is a function of the effect size and the first moderator, one would pass the value model = es * x[ , 1]. Defaults to es * x[ , 1].


List of length 4. The "training" element of this list is a data.frame with k_train rows. The columns are the variance of the effect size, vi; the effect size, yi, and the moderators, X. The "testing" element of this list is a data.frame with k_test rows. The columns are the effect size, yi, and the moderators, X. The "housekeeping" element of this list is a data.frame with k_train + k_test rows. The columns are n, the sample size n for each simulated study; mu_i, the mean true effect size for each simulated study; and theta_i, the true effect size for each simulated study.


Van Lissa, C. J. (2020). Small sample meta-analyses: exploring heterogeneity using metaForest. In R. Van De Schoot & M. Miočević (Eds.), Small sample size solutions (open access): A guide for applied researchers and practitioners. CRC Press (pp.186–202). doi:10.4324/9780429273872-16 Van Lissa, C. J. (2018). MetaForest: Exploring heterogeneity in meta-analysis using random forests. PsyArxiv. doi:10.31234/


SimulateSMD(k_train = 50, distribution = "bernoulli")
SimulateSMD(distribution = "bernoulli", model = es * x[ ,1] * x[ ,2])

Plots variable importance for a MetaForest object.


Plots variable importance for a MetaForest object.


VarImpPlot(mf, n.var = 30, sort = TRUE, ...)



MetaForest object.


Number of moderators to plot.


Should the moderators be sorted from most to least important?


Parameters passed to and from other functions.


A ggplot object.


data <- SimulateSMD()
mf.random <- MetaForest(formula = yi ~ ., data = data$training,
                        whichweights = "random", method = "DL",
                        tau2 = 0.0116)
VarImpPlot(mf.random, n.var = 2)
VarImpPlot(mf.random, sort = FALSE)

Plots weighted scatterplots for meta-analytic data. Can plot effect size as a function of either continuous (numeric, integer) or categorical (factor, character) predictors.


Plots weighted scatterplots for meta-analytic data. Can plot effect size as a function of either continuous (numeric, integer) or categorical (factor, character) predictors.


  yi = "yi",
  vi = "vi",
  vars = NULL,
  tau2 = NULL,
  summarize = TRUE



A data.frame.


Character. The name of the column in data that contains the meta-analysis effect sizes. Defaults to "yi".


Character. The name of the column in the data that contains the variances of the effect sizes. Defaults to "vi". By default, vi is used to calculate fixed-effects weights, because fixed effects weights summarize the data set at hand, rather than generalizing to the population.


Character vector containing the names of specific moderator variables to plot. When set to NULL, the default, all moderators are plotted.


Numeric. Provide an optional value for tau2. If this value is provided, random-effects weights will be used instead of fixed-effects weights.


Logical. Should summary stats be displayed? Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, a smooth trend line is displayed for continuous variables, using [stats::loess()] for less than 1000 observations, and [mgcv::gam()] for larger datasets. For categorical variables, box-and-whiskers plots are displayed. Outliers are omitted, because the raw data fulfill this function.


A gtable object.


## Not run: 
data <- SimulateSMD(k_train = 100, model = es * x[, 1] + es * x[, 2] + es *
                      x[, 1] * x[, 2])$training
data$X2 <- cut(data$X2, breaks = 2, labels = c("Low", "High"))
data$X3 <- cut(data$X3, breaks = 2, labels = c("Small", "Big"))
WeightedScatter(data, summarize = FALSE)
WeightedScatter(data, vars = c("X3"))
WeightedScatter(data, vars = c("X1", "X3"))

## End(Not run)