Package 'pema'

Title: Penalized Meta-Analysis
Description: Conduct penalized meta-analysis, see Van Lissa, Van Erp, & Clapper (2023) <doi:10.31234/>. In meta-analysis, there are often between-study differences. These can be coded as moderator variables, and controlled for using meta-regression. However, if the number of moderators is large relative to the number of studies, such an analysis may be overfit. Penalized meta-regression is useful in these cases, because it shrinks the regression slopes of irrelevant moderators towards zero.
Authors: Caspar J van Lissa [aut, cre] , Sara J van Erp [aut]
Maintainer: Caspar J van Lissa <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.1.4
Built: 2025-02-27 10:46:24 UTC

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pema: Conduct penalized meta-regression.


Penalized meta-regression shrinks the regression slopes of irrelevant moderators towards zero (Van Lissa & Van Erp, 2021).


Van Lissa, C. J., van Erp, S., & Clapper, E. B. (2023). Selecting relevant moderators with Bayesian regularized meta-regression. Research Synthesis Methods. doi:10.31234/

Stan Development Team (NA). RStan: the R interface to Stan. R package version 2.26.2.

Convert an object to stanfit


Create a stanfit object from an object for which a method exists, so that all methods for stanfit objects can be used.


as.stan(x, ...)



An object for which a method exists.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of class stanfit, as documented in rstan::stan.


stanfit <- "a"
class(stanfit) <- "stanfit"
converted <- as.stan(stanfit)

Data from 'The behavioral phenotype of early life adversity'


This meta-analysis of rodent studies examined whether early life adversity (ELA) alters cognitive performance in several domains. The data include over 400 independent experiments, involving approximately 8600 animals.




A data.frame with 734 rows and 65 columns.


Bonapersona, V., Kentrop, J., Van Lissa, C. J., van der Veen, R., Joels, M., & Sarabdjitsingh, R. A. (2019). The behavioral phenotype of early life adversity: A 3-level meta-analysis of rodent studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 102, 299–307. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.04.021

Conduct Bayesian Regularized Meta-Analysis


This function conducts Bayesian regularized meta-regression (Van Lissa & Van Erp, 2021). It uses the stan function rstan::sampling to fit the model. A lasso or horseshoe prior is used to shrink the regression coefficients of irrelevant moderators towards zero. See Details.


brma(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula'
  vi = "vi",
  study = NULL,
  method = "hs",
  standardize = TRUE,
  prior = switch(method, lasso = c(df = 1, scale = 1), hs = c(df = 1, df_global = 1,
    df_slab = 4, scale_global = 1, scale_slab = 2, relevant_pars = NULL)),
  mute_stan = TRUE,

## Default S3 method:
  study = NULL,
  method = "hs",
  mute_stan = TRUE,



An k x m numeric matrix, where k is the number of effect sizes and m is the number of moderators.


Additional arguments passed on to rstan::sampling(). Use this, e.g., to override default arguments of that function.


An object of class formula (or one that can be coerced to that class), see lm.


Either a data.frame containing the variables in the model, see lm, or a list of multiple imputed data.frames, or an object returned by mice.


Character. Name of the column in the data that contains the variances of the effect sizes. This column will be removed from the data prior to analysis. Defaults to "vi".


Character. Name of the column in the data that contains the study id. Use this when the data includes multiple effect sizes per study. This column can be a vector of integers, or a factor. This column will be removed from the data prior to analysis. See Details for more information about analyzing dependent data.


Character, indicating the type of regularizing prior to use. Supports one of c("hs", "lasso"), see Details. Defaults to "hs".


Either a logical argument or a list. If standardize is logical, it controls whether all predictors are standardized prior to analysis or not. Parameter estimates are restored to the predictors' original scale. Alternatively, users can provide a list to standardize to gain more control over the standardization process. In this case, it is assumed that the standardization has already taken place. This list must have two elements: list(center = c(mean(X1) , mean(X2), mean(X...)), scale = c(sd(X1), sd(X2), sd(X...))). It is used only to restore parameter estimates to the original scale of the predictors. This is useful, e.g., to standardize continuous and dichotomous variables separately. Defaults to TRUE, which is recommended so that shrinking affects all parameters similarly.


Numeric vector, specifying the prior to use. Note that the different methods require this vector to contain specific named elements.


Logical, indicating whether mute all 'Stan' output or not.


A numeric vector of k effect sizes.


Logical, indicating whether or not an intercept should be included in the model.


The Bayesian regularized meta-analysis algorithm (Van Lissa & Van Erp, 2021) penalizes meta-regression coefficients either via the lasso prior (Park & Casella, 2008) or the regularized horseshoe prior (Piironen & Vehtari, 2017).


The Bayesian equivalent of the lasso penalty is obtained when placing independent Laplace (i.e., double exponential) priors on the regression coefficients centered around zero. The scale of the Laplace priors is determined by a global scale parameter scale, which defaults to 1 and an inverse-tuning parameter 1λ\frac{1}{\lambda} which is given a chi-square prior governed by a degrees of freedom parameter df (defaults to 1). If standardize = TRUE, shrinkage will affect all coefficients equally and it is not necessary to adapt the scale parameter. Increasing the df parameter will allow larger values for the inverse-tuning parameter, leading to less shrinkage.


One issue with the lasso prior is that it has relatively light tails. As a result, not only does the lasso have the desirable behavior of pulling small coefficients to zero, it also results in too much shrinkage of large coefficients. An alternative prior that improves upon this shrinkage pattern is the horseshoe prior (Carvalho, Polson & Scott, 2010). The horseshoe prior has an infinitely large spike at zero, thereby pulling small coefficients toward zero but in addition has fat tails, which allow substantial coefficients to escape the shrinkage. The regularized horseshoe is an extension of the horseshoe prior that allows the inclusion of prior information regarding the number of relevant predictors and can be more numerically stable in certain cases (Piironen & Vehtari, 2017). The regularized horseshoe has a global shrinkage parameter that influences all coefficients similarly and local shrinkage parameters that enable flexible shrinkage patterns for each coefficient separately. The local shrinkage parameters are given a Student's t prior with a default df parameter of 1. Larger values for df result in lighter tails and a prior that is no longer strictly a horseshoe prior. However, increasing df slightly might be necessary to avoid divergent transitions in Stan (see also Similarly, the degrees of freedom for the Student's t prior on the global shrinkage parameter df_global can be increased from the default of 1 to, for example, 3 if divergent transitions occur although the resulting prior is then strictly no longer a horseshoe. The scale for the Student's t prior on the global shrinkage parameter scale_global defaults to 1 and can be decreased to achieve more shrinkage. Moreover, if prior information regarding the number of relevant moderators is available, it is recommended to include this information via the relevant_pars argument by setting it to the expected number of relevant moderators. When relevant_pars is specified, scale_global is ignored and instead based on the available prior information. Contrary to the horseshoe prior, the regularized horseshoe applies additional regularization on large coefficients which is governed by a Student's t prior with a scale_slab defaulting to 2 and df_slab defaulting to 4. This additional regularization ensures at least some shrinkage of large coefficients to avoid any sampling problems.


A list object of class brma, with the following structure:

  fit          # An object of class stanfit, for compatibility with rstan
  coefficients # A numeric matrix with parameter estimates; these are
               # interpreted as regression coefficients, except tau2 and tau,
               # which are interpreted as the residual variance and standard
               # deviation, respectively.
  formula      # The formula used to estimate the model
  terms        # The predictor terms in the formula
  X            # Numeric matrix of moderator variables
  Y            # Numeric vector with effect sizes
  vi           # Numeric vector with effect size variances
  tau2         # Numeric, estimated tau2
  R2           # Numeric, estimated heterogeneity explained by the moderators
  k            # Numeric, number of effect sizes
  study        # Numeric vector with study id numbers


Van Lissa, C. J., van Erp, S., & Clapper, E. B. (2023). Selecting relevant moderators with Bayesian regularized meta-regression. Research Synthesis Methods. doi:10.31234/

Park, T., & Casella, G. (2008). The Bayesian Lasso. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103(482), 681–686. doi:10.1198/016214508000000337

Carvalho, C. M., Polson, N. G., & Scott, J. G. (2010). The horseshoe estimator for sparse signals. Biometrika, 97(2), 465–480. doi:10.1093/biomet/asq017

Piironen, J., & Vehtari, A. (2017). Sparsity information and regularization in the horseshoe and other shrinkage priors. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 11(2).


df <- curry[c(1:5, 50:55), c("d", "vi", "sex", "age", "donorcode")]
suppressWarnings({res <- brma(d~., data = df, iter = 10)})

Data from 'Happy to Help?'


A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the well-being of the actor.




A data.frame with 56 rows and 18 columns.

study_id factor Unique identifier of the study
effect_id integer Unique identifier of the effect size
d numeric Standardized mean difference between the control group and intervention group
vi numeric Variance of the effect size
n1i numeric Number of participants in the intervention group
n1c numeric Number of participants in the control group
sex numeric Percentage of male participants
age numeric Mean age of participants
location character Geographical location of the study
donor character From what population did the donors (helpers) originate?
donorcode factor From what population did the donors (helpers) originate? Dichotomized to Anxious or Typical
interventioniv character Description of the intervention / independent variable
interventioncode factor Description of the intervention / independent variable, categorized to Acts of Kindness, Prosocial Spending, or Other
control character Description of the control condition
controlcode factor Description of the control condition, categorized to Neutral Activity, Nothing, or Self Help (performing a kind act for oneself)
recipients character Who were the recipients of the act of kindness?
outcomedv character What was the outcome, or dependent variable, of the study?
outcomecode factor What was the outcome, or dependent variable, of the study? Categorized into Happiness, Life Satisfaction, PN Affect (positive or negative), and Other


Curry, O. S., Rowland, L. A., Van Lissa, C. J., Zlotowitz, S., McAlaney, J., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). Happy to help? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the well-being of the actor. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 320-329. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2007.04.005

Compute I2


I2 represents the amount of heterogeneity relative to the total amount of variance in the observed effect sizes (Higgins & Thompson, 2002). For three-level meta-analyses, it is additionally broken down into I2_w (amount of within-cluster heterogeneity) and I2_b (amount of between-cluster heterogeneity).


I2(x, ...)



An object for which a method exists.


Arguments passed to other functions.


Numeric matrix, with rows corresponding to I2 (total heterogeneity), and optionally I2_w and I2_b (within- and between-cluster heterogeneity).


I2(matrix(1:20, ncol = 1))

Maximum a posteriori parameter estimate


Find the parameter estimate with the highest posterior probability density given a vector of samples.


maxap(x, dens = NULL, ...)



Numeric vector.


Optional object of class density. Defaults to NULL.


Arguments passed to density


Atomic numeric vector with the maximum a-posteriori estimate of vector x.



Plot posterior distributions for BRMA models


To perform a rudimentary sensitivity analysis, plot the posterior distributions of multiple BRMA models and compare them visually.


plot_sensitivity(..., parameters = NULL, model_names = NULL)



Objects of class brma. If the argument model_names is NULL, the names of these objects are used to label the plot.


Optional character vector with the names of parameters that exist in the models in ..., Default: NULL.


Optional character vector with the names used to label the models in ..., Default: NULL


An object of class ggplot


plot_sensitivity(samples = list(
data.frame(Parameter = "b",
Value = rnorm(10),
Model = "M1"),
data.frame(Parameter = "b",
Value = rnorm(10, mean = 2),
Model = "M2")),
parameters = "b")

Sample from the Prior Distribution


Samples from a prior distribution with parameters defined in prior. The result can be plotted using the plot function.


  method = c("hs", "lasso"),
  prior = switch(method, lasso = c(df = 1, scale = 1), hs = c(df = 1, df_global = 1,
    df_slab = 4, scale_global = 1, scale_slab = 2, par_ratio = NULL)),
  iter = 1000



Character string, indicating which prior to sample from. Default: first element of c("hs", "lasso").


Numeric vector, specifying the prior to use. See brma for more details.


A positive integer specifying the number of iterations to sample. Default: 1000


NULL, function is called for its side-effect of plotting to the graphics device.


sample_prior("lasso", iter = 10)

Interactively Sample from the Prior Distribution


Launches a Shiny app that allows interactive comparison of different priors for brma.




NULL, function is called for its side-effect of launching a Shiny app.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Simulates a meta-analytic dataset


This function simulates a meta-analytic dataset based on the random-effects model. The simulated effect size is Hedges' G, an estimator of the Standardized Mean Difference (Hedges, 1981; Li, Dusseldorp, & Meulman, 2017). The functional form of the model can be specified, and moderators can be either normally distributed or Bernoulli-distributed. See Van Lissa, in preparation, for a detailed explanation of the simulation procedure.


  k_train = 20,
  k_test = 100,
  mean_n = 40,
  es = 0.5,
  tau2 = 0.04,
  alpha = 0,
  moderators = 5,
  distribution = "normal",
  model = "es * x[, 1]"



Atomic integer. The number of studies in the training dataset. Defaults to 20.


Atomic integer. The number of studies in the testing dataset. Defaults to 100.


Atomic integer. The mean sample size of each simulated study in the meta-analytic dataset. Defaults to 40. For each simulated study, the sample size n is randomly drawn from a normal distribution with mean mean_n, and sd mean_n/3.


Atomic numeric vector. The effect size, also known as beta, used in the model statement. Defaults to .5.


Atomic numeric vector. The residual heterogeneity. For a range of realistic values encountered in psychological research, see Van Erp, Verhagen, Grasman, & Wagenmakers, 2017. Defaults to 0.04.


Vector of slant parameters, passed to sn::rsn.


Atomic integer. The number of moderators to simulate for each study. Make sure that the number of moderators to be simulated is at least as large as the number of moderators referred to in the model parameter. Internally, the matrix of moderators is referred to as "x". Defaults to 5.


Atomic character. The distribution of the moderators. Can be set to either "normal" or "bernoulli". Defaults to "normal".


Expression. An expression to specify the model from which to simulate the mean true effect size, mu. This formula may use the terms "es" (referring to the es parameter of the call to simulate_smd), and ⁠"x\[, \]"⁠ (referring to the matrix of moderators, x). Thus, to specify that the mean effect size, mu, is a function of the effect size and the first moderator, one would pass the value model = "es * x\[ , 1\]". Defaults to ⁠"es * x\[ , 1\]"⁠.


List of length 4. The "training" element of this list is a data.frame with k_train rows. The columns are the variance of the effect size, vi; the effect size, yi, and the moderators, X. The "testing" element of this list is a data.frame with k_test rows. The columns are the effect size, yi, and the moderators, X. The "housekeeping" element of this list is a data.frame with k_train + k_test rows. The columns are n, the sample size n for each simulated study; mu_i, the mean true effect size for each simulated study; and theta_i, the true effect size for each simulated study.


simulate_smd(k_train = 50, distribution = "bernoulli")
simulate_smd(distribution = "bernoulli", model = "es * x[ ,1] * x[ ,2]")